
本公司(豐欣工業股份有限公司)為大型洗車機專業製造廠, 1982年引進洗車機製造技術 至今,多年來承製捷運電聯車洗 車機,各大客運公司大型洗車機,積極配合客戶需求 做專業 設計及製造。本公司在全台地區設有專人做售後服務及維修 工作,廣受各界好 評。 歡迎貿易商、代理商、經銷商合作來電洽詢 ~

The company since 1982 engaged in prduces large-scale car washing machine, it is a protessional factory. During this time,we manufacture machines for container car, oil tanker, trolley car, passenger transport company and mass rapid transit company...etc. In the field of car washing machine, we have a lot of experiences, specialty technique and excellent reputation.